Excel: Create Your Own Theme

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Problem: There isn't a theme to match our company colors.

Strategy: Create a new theme and save it on your computer. You can then share it with others in your company.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select one of the built-in themes from the Effects dropdown on the Page Layout tab.
  2. Open the Fonts dropdown on the Page Layout tab and choose Create New Theme Fonts. Choose a font for headings and a font for body copy. Tip: If you have a stylized logo with "œOurCo" and want a font to provide all 26 letters in a similar font, visit Chank.com to have a custom font designed.
  3. Open the Colors dropdown and choose Create New Theme Colors. Specify colors for light and dark text and specify six accent colors for the theme.
  4. Open the Themes dropdown and choose Save Current Theme. Give the theme a name that reflects your company name.

Results: Excel will offer the new theme in the Themes dropdown. Your custom themes will appear at the top of the dropdown.

To share a custom theme with others, you can copy the .thmx file from %AppData%\Microsoft\Templates\Document Themes\ to the same folder on other computers.